Monday 28 November 2011

Autumn is finally here...

Well the beginnings of Autumn fall have finally arrived, and yes so has the opportunity to photograph some brilliant colours; reds, yellows, browns and a mixture of golden leaves, acorns, pine combs and overdue conkers hit the wood laden ground with a cocophony of sound raising the alarm for the fauna that occupies the wood, that dinner has arrived.

So it is that they stock up for the winter, may be it will be a cold one like the two previous winters here in the northern hemishpere. When I was a child between the ages of five and eleven that is all I could remember, a white christmas and a really cold time of year. I didn't enjoy it much, but now I love this time of year, it's very photogenic.

This time of year too let's me know that my impending birthday is only a couple of months away, alas a year older but hopefully a little wiser too. I share my birthday with my twin brother Stephen, I do feel sometimes he is actually older than myself with his outlook on life, but he is of course a parent to a loving son Oscar.

This time will be gradually getting more exciting and in his child like imagination which know's no bounds, will grow to appreciate this time in his life. So I give you some more time to stoke up the fire and with a mug of tea in hand sit back put your feet up and give yourself a wry smile that we only have twenty seven days left of 2011, what a year it was only this time last year I was adventuring my way through the Asian continent with a group of people I had never met before. Enjoy this Autumn may it bring you some great memories of a year gone by.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Life in the fast lane...

It is normal to have some degree of regret when a relationship breaks down due to a lack of understanding or support. I wish it to be know that I do love my missus but I wish she would take heed of the advice she has been given.

I wish her a speedy recovery and one that will see her gain strength.

Jane I love you with all my heart and do not want to fail you.